Towards the end of Form 3, students are encouraged to plan for their 3-year senior secondary course. Students in the senior forms take English, Chinese, Mathematics, Citizenship and Social Development and Common Core - Extended Studies and three electives from a wide range of subjects leading to the award of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE).  In the spirit of providing an all-round education for students, the College requires all senior students to study a prescribed minimal amount of physical education, music, visual arts and religious education.

(A)   The Curriculum

The senior secondary curriculum consists of three major components: Core subjects (45-55%), Electives (25-35%) and Other Learning Experiences (10-15%).


Core Subjects: (45-55%)

These subjects have to be taken by all students and they include English Language, Chinese Language, Mathematics (core only / core + extended modules), Citizenship and Social Development and Common Core - Extended Studies.


Students would be able to choose a maximum of 3 subjects from five key learning areas:

Personal, Social and Humanities Education (Chinese History, Economics, Geography, Ethics and Religious Studies and History),

Science Education (Physics, Chemistry and Biology),

Technology Education (Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Information and Communication Technology),

Arts Education (Music, Visual Arts) and

Chinese Language Education (Chinese Literature).


Other Learning Experiences: (10-15%)

In addition, senior students at St. Paul’s College are required to study a prescribed amount of physical education, Religious Studies, Music and Visual Arts


The Currirulum Structure (2021 and beyond)

CORE 1 English
CORE 2 Chinese
CORE 3 Mathematics (Core / Core + Module 1 / Core + Module 2)

Citizenship and Social Development
CORE 5 School-Based Common Core - Extended Study
X1, X2, X3 Business, Accounting and Financial Studies / Biology / Chemistry / Chinese History / Chinese Literature / Economics / Geography / History / Information and Communication Technology / Music / Physics / Ethics and Religious Studies / Visual Arts
OLE There will be lessons for Music, Physical Education, Visual Arts and Religious Studies

(B) The Wider Curriculum

- OLE outside the timetable
- The Outward Bound programme

(C) Alternative Curriculum - IAL
The GCE IAL gives our students an opportunity to pursue an alternative curriculum based on their skills and proficiencies. While the overwhelming majority of SPC students will continue in the DSE curriculum in their senior NSS years, the IAL enables our students to follow the International A Level and GCE exams. This provides a viable alternative to the DSE curriculum, which may allow a more suitable pathway for some of our students.

(D)  Talk for Form 3 Parents/Guardians and Students on Choice of Subjects at Senior Secondary Level [15th November, 2024

- 2025 Senior Secondary Curriculum
- 2025 Subject Selection and Further Studies
- 2025 Senior Students' Handbook
- 2025 Course Catalogue