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Post Date: 21-August-2015
Student Exchange Programme with Christ Church Grammar School in Perth, Australia 2015-2016

One key part of our student exchange programme is the provision of educational and cultural exchange with other IBSC (International Boys’ Schools Coalition) schools.   In the 2015-2016 academic year, a ten-day exchange programme to Christ Church Grammar School in Perth, Australia will be organised for students of Forms 2, 3 and 4. Please find below details of the programme:

Date of Departure: Wednesday, 20th July, 2016

Date of Return: Friday, 29th July, 2016

Accommodation: Local families in Perth

Cost: Approximately HK$10,000

No. of Students: 12

Our students will be put up in local families, usually those of the students from Christ Church Grammar School. Accommodation will be free and the cost of the student exchange programme will include airfares and pocket money to pay for daily expenses like transportation and meals.

Students taking part in this exchange programme are expected to play host to visiting students from Christ Church Grammar School during Friday,  19th September, 2015 to Saturday, 26th September, 2015. If your son/ward participates in the exchange programme, you are required to host an overseas student.     Your son/ward will then be put in the local family of that overseas student during the stay in Perth.

Please let us know at your earliest convenience if your son/ward is interested in joining this exchange programme. Please have your son/ward hand in the reply slip to the College Office on or before Monday, the 7th September, 2015, you will be notified of the results by Thursday, 10th September, 2015.

For further information, please contact Mr. W.H. Wong at 2859 8415 or 2546 2241.