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Post Date: 03-October-2014
Letter to Parents/Guardians on suspension of classes

The Education Bureau has announced the suspension of classes for all schools in Wan Chai as well as the Central & Western District on Friday, 3 October 2014.

Students’ learning remains the top priority of the College and every effort is made to minimize any disruption to learning.  To this end, teachers are already sending online learning information to students.  Students are reminded to log-on to e-Class every day to get the latest update of homework or assignments.  When school eventually resumes, the College will update parents and students about changes in the school calendar to make up for the teaching time lost.   Supplementary classes will also be arranged for Form 6 students who are preparing for their DSE.  

During the class suspension period, the College campus will remain open. There will be teachers supervising students who return to the College.  The College Office opens from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. For safety reasons, students are advised not to come back to the College during the suspension period.  However, students who have to come back to the College to collect books from their classroom must have a written consent from their parents and should be in full school uniform.  

Students and parents are advised to follow closely further announcements from the Education Bureau.