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Event Date: 03-July-2010
Music Marathon 2010

The Music Marathon is a traditional annual fund-raising charity concert held by the Music Union of St. Paul’s College. The concert aims at raising funds for those in need in the world. Over the years, the Music Marathon has raised funds for different charity organizations such as the Orbis, Doctors Without Borders and World Vision etc. This year, the funds raised will be donated to the Crossroads Foundation, a Hong Kong based, non-profit making charity organization. It is hoped that the funds raised this year will be used to help people, particularly the victims of the Qinghai earthquake in 2010. We hope that this will be able to improve their hard lives brought by the inexorable disaster.

Founded in 1851, our school has a long tradition and reputation for outstanding music development. Through the Music Marathon, it is hoped that our students will not only take the occasion to showcase their musical talents, but also to learn to show care to those in need as well as to contribute to the society, using their talents. With the view to becoming global citizens, we believe that we should share our love and care with the less fortunate, using the gifts we have.

The details of the concert is as follows:
Date: 3rd July, 2010
Time: 3 - 5 p.m.
Venue: St. John’s Cathedral
Guest performers: The Hong Kong Children's Choir and Ms. Lo Chi Ying (羅梓瑩)
Special guests: Ms. Kathy Fok (Music Director and Principal Conductor, The Hong Kong Children's Choir) and Ms. Florence Cheng (Music Director, Hong Kong Youth Choir)

All teachers, parents, alumni and current students are very welcome to join this event. Admission is free; however, you are encouraged to donate at least $20 for charity.