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Event Date: 11-May-2010 to 29-June-2010
Music Union Summer Time Recitals -- The Octopus

DateMusic TypePerformers
May 11th (Tue)Piano and oboeWONG Yat Chung, Dominic(6A)
Robin LEONG (6A)
May 18th(Tue)ViolinLEE Hoi Yin, Andrew (4B)
CHAN Ming Chak, Alvin (2E)
June 22nd (Tue)VocalNG Pui Shing, Dixon (6B)
LAU Ho Hin, Kelvin (6A)
June 29th (Tue)ClarinetLAU Jinqiao, Gabriel (6A)
CHOW, Ernest Long Yat (3F)

Time: 2:15 - 3:00 pm
Venue: Wong Ming Him Hall

These days we simply cannot live without an octopus card, from taking the minibus to purchasing a bar of chocolate; it seems an indispensable tool to us. Likewise, we have to admit that everyone has a craving for music. Music is never a luxury, an extravagance or an optional item, but a necessity and blessing to every one of us.

When we put the two together, we came up with a theme “The Octopus”. Apart from using the octopus card as a metaphor for music, the picture of the eight flexible tentacles of the invertebrate also echoes with our beliefs.

Music, just like the muscular tentacles, is far-reaching and influential. It has got the magic to connect with the audience by getting hold of their spirits, emotions and feelings. In the recitals, audience would not only experience the many elements of music varying from love to patriotism, but would also embark on a journey which allows you to go through contrasting feelings of melancholy and jubilance. With repertoires ranging from Baroque music to music from the twentieth century, the eight talented musicians, depicted by the eight versatile tentacles, would present you with the finest music that will touch and possibly melt your heart.

Do you want to experience the magic of the ‘Octopus’?

Chairman: LAU Ho-hin, Kelvin
Advisor: Mr. FU Yun-kwong, Raymond, Mrs. NG LAU Po-man, Sandy and Mr. LEUNG Sing-yan, Matthew
Chief-in charge: Gabriel LAU (6A)
Coordinator/Secretary: Robin LEONG (6A)
Promotion: Venus WONG (6A), Raymond HUI (6B)
Poster/Design: Edmund KONG (7A), Yvonne Tsai (6A)
Programme notes: Joseph LAM, Timothy LO