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Post Date: 18-November-2015
School Fencing Team comes third overall in Inter-School Fencing Competition
St. Paul's College came third overall in the Inter-School Fencing Competition, which was held on 1st and 8th November 2015.  It is worth mentioning that the third place in overall ranking is also the best-ever result we have achieved in this annual competition.

Here is a summary of the team's achievements:

Individual Events :
1. Chan Ho Tin (F.1B) --  First  in C-Grade Sabre
2. Wong Chun Chit (F.1E) -- Second  in C-Grade Foil
3. Lai Long Hang (F.6C) and Chow Ting Fung (F.5D) - Third in A-Grade Sabre

Team Events -- Third Overall
1. Sabre Team - Fourth   
Team members : Chan Ho Tin (F.1B), Chen Julian (F.3E), Ngai Tik Wah (F.3B), Chow Ting Fung (F.5D) and Lai Long Hang (F.6C)
2. Foil Team -  Fifth     
Team members : Wong Chun Chit (F.1E), Leung Yin Kei (F.2A), Yip Lai Hei (F.3F) and Fong Ho Wang (F.4F)

The College would like to congratulate all the fencing members on their outstanding achievements. We wish them continued success in the future.