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Post Date: 16-November-2015
Senior English Debate Team through to second round of 31st Sing Tao Inter-school 
Debating Competition
As first runner-up in last year's tournament, our Senior English Debate Team got off to a very strong start by winning in the first preliminary round of the 31st Sing Tao Inter-school Debating Competition.

The debate was held last Saturday, 14th November 2015. Our team, which argued for the proposition side on the motion: "That MTR should introduce women-only carriages", defeated Wah Yan College (Hong Kong) by a vote of 3 to 0. Chan Wang Lik (4B) was named the Best Debater and the Best Interrogative Debater of the contest.

The stage debaters for the contest were Li Chak Cheung Andy (4D), Chan Wang Lik (4B), Lo Tin Ki (5F) and Cheung Cho Yin Ethan (4E),with Wan Cheuk Fung (4C) and Wong Tze Yu (4E) as reserve debaters.

Congratulations to the Senior English Debate Team on their efforts and achievement! We wish them success in the next round of the competition.