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Post Date: 23-November-2015
The 164th Speech Day was successfully held on November 23, 2015.

The College is deeply grateful to have had the presence of prominent guests, well-wishing parents, smart-looking graduates, alumni and friends aplenty. We were particularly privileged to have one of our eminent alumnae, Miss Helen Wong, Chief Executive, Greater China, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited as the Guest of Honour. 
 We were also graced by the attendance of the College Council members, and the Rt. Reverend Dr. Soo Yee Po, Thomas and the Rt. Reverend Tsui Tsan Sang, Louis.

The festive atmosphere proceeded with the presentation of certificates and prizes to the graduating students and prize winners.  After Head Prefect Ho Shing Kit’s stirring vote of thanks, the College orchestra performed Max Bruch’s Concerto in E Minor, Op. 88, 3rd Movement to a rapt audience.

The Speech Day concluded with a traditionally rousing rendition of The College Song.  As we look forward to the 165th Anniversary year, we can warmly remember a particularly memorable Speech Day.

List of Scholarship Holders and Prize Winners.