2016-08-26 | 26-Aug-2016 | Class List 2016-2017 |
2016-08-25 | 25-Aug-2016 | 165th Anniversary Events |
2016-08-10 | 10-Aug-2016 | Special Announcements (August 10, 2016) |
2016-08-09 | 09-Aug-2016 | Special Timetable Arrangements from 1st to 9th September, 2016 |
2016-08-04 | 04-Aug-2016 | Special Notice from the College Council Announcement of the new Headmaster for the St. Paul's College Primary School |
2016-08-02 | 02-Aug-2016 | Special Announcements (August 2, 2016) |
2016-08-01 | 01-Aug-2016 | Inclement Weather Arrangements |
2016-07-20 | 20-Jul-2016 | Extended Closing of Swimming Pool on July 21 |
2016-07-12 | 12-Jul-2016 | Closing of Swimming Pool on July 18, 19, 20 |
2016-07-08 | 08-Jul-2016 | Special Timetable Arrangements from 1st to 9th September, 2016 |
2016-06-29 | 29-Jun-2016 | Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) GCE/IGCSE Registration for October/November 2016 Examinations |
2016-06-28 | 28-Jun-2016 | Old Book Sale |
2016-06-27 | 27-Jun-2016 | Suspension of School intranet (eclass server) 2.7.2016 |
2016-06-25 | 25-Jun-2016 | Canstruction® Hong Kong - One CAN Make a Difference |
2016-06-06 | 06-Jun-2016 | Suspension of School Networks 11.6.2016 |
2016-05-19 | 19-May-2016 | Swimming Club 2016 |
2016-05-12 | 12-May-2016 | Suspension of School Networks 14.5.2016 |
2016-05-11 | 11-May-2016 | Application for Admission to Forms Two, Three and Four 2016-2017 中二至中四級招生 |
2016-05-10 | 10-May-2016 | 由於天文台已取消紅色暴雨警告和教育局宣佈全日制學校無需上課,本校因應安全情況, 在上午十時開始讓學生回家。校舍開放直至正常放學時間為止。 |
2016-05-10 | 10-May-2016 | 由於天文台在上午7時35分發出紅色暴雨警告,學校校舍會開放直至正常放學時間為止,同時亦安排教職員照顧已返抵學校的學生,並在安全情況下,方讓學生回家 |
2016-01-27 | 27-Jan-2016 | Winter School Uniform Guidelines |
2015-12-01 | 01-Dec-2015 | London Examinations, Edexcel, and University of Cambridge Exam Applications |
2015-11-21 | 21-Nov-2015 | 「正能量管教」講座暨茶敍 X 「管教有方」研習班 |
2015-11-07 | 07-Nov-2015 | SA Annual Sponsored Walk 2015 |
2015-11-02 | 02-Nov-2015 | Form One Admission Briefing Session |
2015-10-22 | 22-Oct-2015 | SPC Hoody for sale!! |
2015-09-28 | 28-Sep-2015 | Suspension of School Networks 29.9.2015 & 30.9.2015 |
2015-09-10 | 10-Sep-2015 | Suspension of School Networks 12.9.2015 |
2015-09-10 | 10-Sep-2015 | Summer School Uniform Guidelines |
2015-09-09 | 09-Sep-2015 | IAL / IGCSE Exam Applications |
2015-09-01 | 01-Sep-2015 | First Day of Term 1st September 2015 |