FORM 1 ADMISSIONS 2025-2026 中一入學申請

FORM 1 ADMISSIONS 2025-2026 中一入學申請

Application for Admissions to Form One 2017-2018

          The application period for Form One Admissions 2017-2018 will start from 12 November, 2016 to 21 December, 2016. Application Forms and Prospectuses can be:

  1. collected from the College Office during office hours,
  2. requested through mail by enclosing a stamped ( $10 ) and self-addressed envelope (size over 25 cm x 35 cm) or
  3. downloaded from the College website:

starting from 12 November 2016.  

          Please hand in the application form in person.  Deadline of Application: 21 December 2016


Summary Notes of Form One Admissions Briefing Session 2017-2018