Scholarships 獎學金

A number of scholarships will be offered for academic excellence / talented musicians / talented sportspersons. Students who are interested in applying for these scholarships should fill in the application forms for intended scholarship and submit the duly completed application form with supporting documents separately.  Applicants will be shortlisted on the basis of the information provided and will be invited to attend an interview in addition to the admission interview.  Applicants for scholarships for talented musicians and talented sportspersons may be invited to attend auditions and try-outs.

本校設有一系列獎學金:包括學業優異獎學金、音樂獎學金及體育獎學金。如欲申請獎學金之學生,請填妥獎學金申請表,連同有關證明文件及中一學位申請表分開遞交。 校方會參考申請者提供之資料,邀請合資格者出席獎學金及中一入學面試。 若有需要,校方會邀請申請音樂及體育獎學金的學生試音及測試。


A. Scholarships for Academic Excellence 學業優異獎學金

(i)     Only students who rank among the top five positions in the year group and who have achieved Grade B or above in conduct will be considered.

(ii)    The scholarship, if offered in full, will cover the standard school fee under the Direct Subsidy Scheme for one academic year.

(iii)   On being admitted to St. Paul’s College, the student must maintain a ranking at the end of the school year in the top 30% of his form group before the scholarship may be renewed in the following year.

i. 學生成績為全級頭五名、操行達乙等或以上方被考慮。

ii. 此獎學金金額最高等於一年的學費。

iii. 獲學業優異獎學金之學生,中一至中五成績名列全級前30%,可於翌年(即中二至中六)獲學業優異獎學金。


B.Scholarships for Talented Musicians音樂獎學金

(i)     Preference will be given to applicants who have achieved national / regional level in their talented areas.

(ii)    The scholarship, if offered in full, will cover the standard school fee under the Direct Subsidy Scheme for one academic year.

(iii)   Applicants will be invited to an audition.

(iv)   Renewal of the scholarship will be based on the level attained and the applicants’ contribution to the music activities of the College. 

i. 優先考慮音樂成就達全國或地區性水平之學生。

ii. 此獎學金金額最高等於一年的學費。

iii. 校方將邀請合資格申請者試音。

iv. 校方會就申請者的音樂水平及對學校有關音樂方面的貢獻決定下年度繼續頒發獎學金與否。       


C. Scholarships for Talented Sportspersons 體育獎學金 

(i)     Preference will be given to applicants who have achieved national / regional level in their talented areas.

(ii)   The scholarship, if offered in full, will cover the standard school fee under the Direct Subsidy Scheme for one academic year.

(iii)   Applicants may be invited to a try-out.

(iv)   Renewal of the scholarship will be based on the level attained and the applicants’ contribution to the sporting activities of the College.

i. 優先考慮體育成就達全國地區性水平之學生

ii. 此獎學金金額最高等於一年的學費。

iii. 校方或會邀請合資格申請者出席測試。

iv. 校方會就申請者的體育水平及對學校有關體育方面的貢獻決定下年度繼續頒發獎學金與否。