2017 HKDSE Examination Results

80.9% of SPC students met the general entrance requirements (i.e. “3322” in four core subjects) for JUPAS undergraduate programmes. The percentages of our students obtaining Level 4 or above and Level 5 or above are significantly higher than territory averages. There were 7 subjects with over 50% of our students obtaining Level 5 or above. Some of the better performing subjects include English (91.6% Level 4 or above), Mathematics (84.6% Level 4 or above) with M2 (69.2% Level 5 or above), Physics (90.1% Level 4 or above and 67.6% Level 5 or above), Chemistry (85.3% Level 4 or above), BAFS-Accounting (87.6% Level 4 or above), History (88.9% Level 4 or above) and Chinese History (100% Level 4 or above). Our top students received 46 points from 7 subjects.

81.8% of our students received offers from local universities through JUPAS during the first round offers. 51.5% received offers from the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Science and Technology. Local university programme offers include Medicine, Law, Actuarial Science and Architectural Studies.