Destination of 2024 Graduates

Destination of 2023 Graduates

Destination of 2022 Graduates

Destination of 2021 Graduates

Destination of 2020 Graduates

Destination of 2019 Graduates

Destination of 2018 Graduates

Destination of 2017 Graduates

Destination of 2016 Graduates

Destination of 2015 Graduates

Destination of 2014 Graduates

Overseas schools include: Kings College London, Durham University, and York University in the UK, and USC and UCLA in the United States.

Destination of our 2013 Graduates

Destinations of our 2012 graduates

Former SPC students attend the following overseas universities: 




University of Oxford

The University of Cambridge

The London School of Economics and Political Science

University College London

Imperial College London

King’s College London

The University of Warwick

The University of Exeter


Princeton University

Cornell University

Dartmouth University

The University of Pennsylvania

Carnegie Mellon University

The University of Southern California

The University of California (Berkeley)

New York University




The University of Sydney

University of New South Wales

The University of Melbourne,

Monash University

The University of Queensland

University of South Australia

University of Toronto

The University of British Columbia

The University of Western Ontario.


The institutions represent a small sample of SPC’s global footprint.  Former SPC students also study in Switzerland, the Mainland China and even the United Arab Emirates!